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Session of strategic planning for members of the Network

On February 12-13, 2015 member organizations of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network held a visiting session of strategic planning.

The event program was intense and included a number of blocks that helped to develop a clear mission, to set goals and vision of the activities of the Network.

Among the most important components of the strategic session were setting of specific objectives and division of tasks between the participants; and establishment of teamwork as a prerequisite of a successful organization.

“It isn’t enough to have a team for organizational growth and achievement of qualitative changes, it is necessary to unite around mutual values and vision, and constantly strive to improve our work, to meet the challenges and current needs”, – says managing director of the Network, Tetyana Nosach.

We thank SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine and coach Volodymyr Zhernovyi for assistance in organizing the session.

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