
Project “The Way Home: A New Route”
The Ukrainian Child Rights Network (UCRN) in partnership with SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds Deutschland e.V. is implementing the project of return and support for deported children "The Way Home: A New Route".
As part of the project, the Ukrainian...

Project “Development, implementation and support of effective safe-guarding policies among members of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network and beyond”
The Ukrainian Child Rights Network (UCRN) in partnership with Terre des hommes Deutschland is implementing the project "Development, implementation and support of effective safe-guarding policies among members of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network and beyond" ,...

The “WAY HOME” project
The Ukrainian Child Rights Network in partnership with the international humanitarian organization Save the Children in Ukraine is implementing the project "A Way Home" aimed at finding and returning children displaced to the Russian Federation or to...
Ukrainian Child Rights Network with the support of The Partnership for a Strong Ukraine Foundationfunded by the governments of Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the United States...

Project “Minimum package of integrated social services for families with children”
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) project in Ukraine "Minimum Package of Integrated Social Services for Families with Children" is being implemented by a consortium of organizations:Ukrainian Child Rights Network, SOS Children's Villages Ukraine, Social...

Project “Behind Closed Doors: What Children in Orphanages Dream of”
The Ukrainian Child Rights Network in partnership with the International Humanitarian Organization Save the Children in Ukraine, the Charitable Organization "Voices of Children Charitable Foundation", the NGO "Social Synergy" and the European...