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Together we are stronger, and the work is much more efficient!

Regional non-governmental organizations that care for the protection of children’s rights all say that they lack professional communication with colleagues. And so there is no opportunity to improve their skills.

However, thanks to the Ukrainian Child Rights Network and our joint project with UNICEF, a new approach to work is being introduced in the country.

Our goal is to join forces and work together as a team to professionally and competently protect the rights of children in accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Thus, in Kharkiv, the members of the Network held a fourth training seminar for representatives of regional NGOs.

The event was very dynamic. Specialists were especially interested in case management classes and its practical application.

“It is very important that at the seminar the representatives of public organizations not only study the legal mechanisms that ensure the protection of children’s rights, but also share experiences and learn about new effective developments in this area,” said Svitlana Klochko, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network. 

The Ukrainian Child Rights Network conducts seminars for regional NGOs to engage them. This time it all happened in Kharkiv. The day before, seminars were held in Kyiv, Ternopil and Lviv. We are planning a similar event in Odessa soon. Applications for participation are accepted. Follow the announcements and join us!



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