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The project to monitor the observance of children’s rights in Ukraine continues

The Ukrainian Child Rights Network continues the cooperation with the UN Children’s Fund “UNICEF” Ukraine, the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. On June 27, 2019, the project “Strengthening the capacity of public organizations to monitor the observance of children’s rights in Ukraine – Phase II” was continued.

As part of the Project implementation, monitoring visits to institutions caring for children in the system of alternative care and education will take place in 5 new oblasts: Ivano-Frankivsk, Zaporizhia, Luhansk, Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr. Kyiv and Odessa regions, which have shown the worst results in previous visits will be re-analyzed. The purpose of repeat visits is to look and make sure that significant violations in the protection of children’s rights have been eliminated.

In addition, as part of the Project, we will deal with complex cases of violations of children’s rights in the system of alternative care and upbringing of children, analyze best practices, conduct a series of trainings and online webinars for professionals, regional representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office, NGOs, psychologists, teachers , parents.

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