
Project “Behind Closed Doors: What Children in Orphanages Dream of”

The Ukrainian Child Rights Network in partnership with the International Humanitarian Organization Save the Children in Ukraine, the Charitable Organization “Voices of Children Charitable Foundation”, the NGO “Social Synergy” and the European Disability Forum , an internationally recognized expert in the field of protection of the rights of people with disabilities, including children with disabilities, is implementing the project “Behind Closed Doors: WHAT CHILDREN DREAM OF IN INTERNALCARE facilities” aims to hear the desires, hopes and dreams of children in institutional care facilities to strengthen the influence of their voices on the plans and priorities of the Ukrainian government and society.

Project goal: To hear the desires, hopes and dreams of children in institutionalized care facilities in order to strengthen the influence of their voices on the plans and priorities of the Ukrainian government and society, in particular on building a peaceful, democratic future, through direct dialogue with children from institutionalized care facilities in Ukraine.

Project objectives:

  1. Develop a research methodology (taking into account best international practices) – a survey of all categories of children, including children with high levels of need, who receive care and education in institutional care facilities, to hear their opinions, visions, dreams and wishes about their experience and future.
  2. To train professional specialists (sociologists, psychologists) to conduct the study in accordance with the developed methodology.
  3. Organize and conduct a representative study “Dreams and Desires of Children in Institutional Care Facilities”, which will include a survey of 1000 children, 60 in-depth interviews and 12-15 focus groups with different categories of children.
  4. Prepare analytical reports based on the results of the survey (1 – representative, 2 – survey of one hundred children with high needs).

Project duration:

November 2023 – February 2024

Territory of implementation:

5 regions of Ukraine (Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern, Central).

Expected results:

  1. A methodology was developed for conducting a representative study – a survey of all categories of children, including those with OVC, who receive care and education in institutional care facilities to hear their opinions, visions, dreams and wishes about their experience and future.
  2. Specialists have been trained to conduct relevant research, including with children with disabilities and MARA, and to acquire the necessary skills in practice.
  3. A representative study was conducted in 5 regions of Ukraine (geographically distributed) of at least 1000 children, including those with BPD.
  4. Analytical reports based on the results of the survey were prepared (1 – representative, 2 – survey of 100 children with BPD).

Expected long-term effect:

For the first time in Ukraine, the voices of all categories of children who receive care and education in institutional care facilities will be heard and made public, and should be taken into account during deinstitutionalization and other reforms in the field of child protection. The direct opinion of children should influence political and legislative changes and accelerate the development of family-based forms of care and community-based services. This should be a unique precedent for taking into account the child’s opinion.

Project donor:

Save the Children International Humanitarian Organization The organization was founded in 1919 in the United Kingdom in response to the tragedy of the First World War to improve the lives of children through education, health and economic opportunities, as well as emergency relief in the event of natural disasters, war and other conflicts.

Donor of the project:
The project is in progress
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