A series of webinars “Creation of social services for families with children in territorial communities” within the framework of the project Jointly
The series of webinars “Creating Social Services for Families with Children in Territorial Communities” was developed from January 18 to February 15, 2022, as part of the SOCIALLY.
Topics covered in the webinars:
- Why are social services important in communities and how to ensure their provision for families with children?
- How to organize a social protection structure in a community?
- What should be considered when determining the needs of the community?
- How to calculate the cost of a social service?
- What should be included in the community’s targeted budget program?
- How to effectively build interagency cooperation in the community?
Webinar #1 – Development of social services for families with children as a condition for social development of communities
Speaker: Vasylyna Dybailo, Director of the Partnership for Every Child, Board Member of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network, expert of the SPILNO project.
Date: 18.01.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- Content and functions of social services for families with children;
- Why the development of social services is necessary from the point of view of a person and a child, who should be in the center of attention;
- Legal requirements and legislative framework for the development of social services;
- Synergy of decentralization reformsA series of webinars “Creation of social services for families with children in territorial communities” within the framework of theand deinstitutionalization project;
- International standards and requirements for the development of social services and children’s rights.
See the link:
Webinar №2 – Community organizational structure for social protection, children’s rights and social services
Date: 20.01.2022
Time: 14:00-16:00
Svitlana Tolstoukhova, President of the League of Social Workers of Ukraine, Board Member of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network, PhD in Pedagogy, Honored Social Worker, expert of the SPILNO project;
Iryna Pinchuk, member of the Board of the NGO “League of Social Workers of Ukraine”, PhD in Pedagogy, Honored Social Worker, expert on social work and social services.
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- Own and delegated powers and functions in the field of social protection of the population of local governments in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government”, “On Social Work”, “On Social Services”, “On Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence”;
- The community’s organizational structure for social protection, children’s rights and social services;
- Organizational and legal framework for the functioning of the structural unit for the protection of the public, child protection services;
- Organizational and legal framework for the functioning of municipal social service providers.
See the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW-Nc3cDhoY&t=4s&ab_channel=UNICEFUkraine
Webinar #3 – Identifying community needs for social services. Part 1. Organization and conduct. Collecting and analyzing administrative data to determine the needs of the community population for social services
Date: 24.01.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker: Marianna Onufryk, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network, National Coordinator of the Right to Family project from SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine, expert of the SPILNO project.
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- The importance of identifying the needs of the population for social services and organizing this process in the community;
- Regulatory and legal support for determining the needs of the population for social services;
- Collection of administrative data and its verification;
- Analysis of administrative data and its interpretation.
View by the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y0SBqNlKZk&ab_channel=UNICEFUkraine
Webinar #4 Identify community needs for social services. Part 2. Using sociological research to identify needs for three years, prioritize services, and prepare analytical reports.
Date: 26.01.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker.: Iryna Krynytska, expert of the SOCIALLY project on assessing the needs of the population for social services.
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- Sociological research, principles and methods of research;
- Gathering information using quantitative research methods (types of quantitative methods, peculiarities of conducting a survey);
- Collecting information using qualitative research methods (interviews and focus group studies);
- Identification of priority social services;
- Preparation of a report based on the results of the identification of the population’s needs for social services.
See the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfUv9BTlPSk&ab_channel=UNICEFUkraine
Webinar #5 – Calculating the cost of services
Date: 01.02.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker.: Olha Moroz, Head of Projects and Programs at the Hope and Housing for Children, expert of the SPILNO project.
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- National legislation governing the calculation of the cost of services in Ukraine;
- The components of the service cost and the algorithm for its calculation;
- Peculiarities of calculating the cost of the service at the stage of its implementation and securing further financing;
- Peculiarities of calculating inpatient and semi-inpatient services.
See the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIJO4jbsFAQ&t=1s&ab_channel=UNICEFUkraine
Webinar #6 – Development and adoption of a targeted budget program
Date: 03.02.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker.: Nadiia Tymoshenko, social services expert at the Partnership for Every Child, expert of the SPILNO project.
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- The relevance of the program-targeted budgeting method and its future impact;
- The main legal aspects governing the program-targeted budgeting method;
- Stages of development and adoption of the target program, formation of performance indicators for its implementation;
- The experience of a local community in preparing and approving a targeted budget program;
- Challenges and ways to prevent them.
See the link:
Webinar #7 – Development of alternative forms of community-based care
Date: 08.02.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker: Svitlana Tuntueva, manager of the Right to Family project from SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine.
During the webinar you will learn about:
- The importance of family and family environment for a child;
- Formation of attachment in the child’s life. The impact of negative factors on the child’s development and behavior (difficult life circumstances, removal of the child from the family, repeated moves: hospital, center for social and psychological rehabilitation, boarding school, family-based care);
- Realizing the Child’s Right to a Family and the Best Interests of the Child: International Guidance Documents;
- Realization of the child’s right to a family: basic national legislation;
- Alternative forms of care: adoption, guardianship, foster care, family-type children’s home;
- Alternative forms of care: creation, placement, support, services. The role of a social work specialist.
See the link:
Webinar #8 – Providing quality and accessible social services in the community and interagency cooperation.
Date: 10.02.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker.: Dmytro Derevyanka, expert on the development of social services at the “Partnership for Every Child”.
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- Interagency cooperation in identifying and organizing work with vulnerable families and families in difficult life circumstances;
- Procedure for interagency cooperation as an effective mechanism and a clear algorithm for the work of actors at the local level;
- Social services: essence, types, classification and state standards;
- Social services: grounds and requirements;
- Assessment of the needs of the family/individual as a prerequisite for quality decision-making in determining the necessary package of services.
View by the link:
Webinar #9. Organization and provision of day care or temporary day care services for children with disabilities in the community.
Date: 15.02.2022
Time: 10:00-12:00
Marianna Onufryk, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network, National Coordinator of the Right to Family project from SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine, expert of the SPILNO project.
Hanna Khvorova, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor at Zhytomyr State University, certified specialist in ABA therapy.
During the webinar, you will learn about:
- Organization of day care services in the community: regulatory support and best practices;
- Administration and management of day care services for children with disabilities;
- Meaningful organization of services in the day care unit for children with disabilities;
- Cooperation with parents as a key to effective service delivery for children with disabilities.
See the link: