CF “Ridni”

The foundation’s history began with the creation of two family-type children’s homes (FTOs) in cooperation with the Lviv City Council. Since 2012, our foundation has been actively implementing various projects to support children from vulnerable groups.

The mission is to overcome orphanhood and develop the family institution.

Motto – Ukraine without orphans.

Our mission is to ensure that every child grows up in a loving family and has a happy future. Our greatest value is the safety and well-being of every child.

Current projects:

Main areas of work:

∙ Cross-sectoral sustainable development projects (Ridni Center for Social Support of Children and Families, Spilnita-Ridni Small Group Home, 2 family-type orphanages)

∙ Work with vulnerable families and prevention of orphanhood (a one-year project supported by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) aimed at supporting families with many children, internally displaced persons and families in difficult life circumstances).

∙ Psychosocial support for children, parents and professionals working with children (annual resource and training program “Rejoice Again – The Power of Play” for professionals working with children.

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