NGO “Dnipro League of Social Workers”
The Dnipro League of Social Workers was established on the initiative of social workers and modeled after the All-Ukrainian League of Social Workers to work in the Dnipro region in 2010. Currently, the League has 12 members and aims to attract the majority of social workers working in the regional, city, district, territorial CSS/CSP and other social institutions of the region.
The organization’s mission is to combine the efforts of social workers, government and business structures to raise the prestige, formation and development of the social sphere in the Dnipro region in order to improve the quality of services for vulnerable groups and disadvantaged groups, as well as to improve the skills, solve urgent problems, provide professional support and comprehensive assistance to social workers in the region.
Vision of the organization – The social sphere in the country is developed and improved, the problems of vulnerable groups and disadvantaged groups are solved in accordance with the current legislation, appropriate professional, human and material and technical resources are available for this purpose, and social workers have the appropriate status and reputation among local authorities, business structures, beneficiaries, international donors and society as a whole.
The purpose of the organization is to promote the unification of citizens regardless of citizenship and place of residence for social work with children, families and youth; protection of the interests and rights of the League members.
● implementing its own and participating in the implementation of local, national and international programs: social support and social development of children, families and youth;
● Developing and disseminating innovative models of social service delivery;
● Conducting social and analytical research;
● promoting the creation of appropriate conditions for the harmonious development of children and youth, their active participation in socially useful work, artistic and creative, cultural, sports and physical recreational activities;
● providing information and free legal services to the League members, social workers, families, children and youth;
● promoting the involvement of citizens in social work with families, children and youth;
● Participation in the development and implementation of a system of social standards and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of social services, and a system of supervision in social work;
● participation of the League members in the implementation of social programs by working with families, children and youth, providing social services, social prevention and rehabilitation;
● promoting the development and implementation of a system of professional education, advanced training and certification of social workers – members of the League;
● participation of the League members in the development, testing, and implementation of social technologies and methods to promote the development of scientific research, and, if necessary, public expert and working groups to evaluate projects and other proposals;
● Participation in the organization of public social monitoring;
● Participation in the development and distribution of social advertising;
● establishing mass media and enterprises necessary to fulfill the statutory objectives;
● organizing and conducting roundtables, seminars, conferences, competitions, and other public events on social work issues;
● informing and promoting the ideas and goals of the League through the media;
● organizing charitable assistance to individuals and legal entities, social organizations, social workers, establishing and paying scholarships, awards, and charitable donations;
● promoting the development of the volunteer movement in Ukraine;
● Development of international cooperation and establishment of international contacts;
● Assistance in establishing and organizing the work of social institutions: crisis centers, rehabilitation, resocialization, adaptation centers, social dormitories, psychological assistance services, and other institutions;
● conducting free social advocacy to represent and protect the interests and rights of children, families, youth, and League members.
Current projects: The project JOINTLY. Social Services is being implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and a consortium of partner organizations with financial support from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through the German Development Bank (KfW). В
The consortium includes: Ukrainian Child Rights Network, Partnership for Every Child, SOS Children’s Villages of Ukraine, Social Synergy, Dnipro League of Social Workers, All-Ukrainian Organization “Klass”.