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An unique tool for monitoring the observance of children’s rights is in the hands of the Ukrainian public

For the first time in the history of Ukraine, the public sector has taken on an extremely important function – monitoring the situation in the country regarding the observance of the rights of the child in the system of alternative care (in terms of care and upbringing outside the biological family).

With the support of UNICEF, the Ukrainian Child Rights Network (which includes twelve leading Ukrainian and international NGOs and charitable foundations) has launched the Capacity Building and Influence of Non-Governmental Entities Project in Developing, Implementing and Monitoring Children’s Rights in the System. alternative care, improving child protection policies and strategies. ” Daria Kasyanova, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network, explains in more detail the seemingly complicated name:

“We want an independent monitoring of the situation on the observance of children’s rights by public organizations in Ukraine. Well, it is clear why: to identify the problem in a timely manner, respond to it and take some action, efforts so that such problems do not recur in the future ”

It will be recalled that there has been no similar project in Ukraine so far. Therefore, there is no clear mechanism of action on how to monitor in order to obtain data that accurately demonstrate the situation with respect for children’s rights in Ukraine. We turned to international experts who have a tool developed and approved by the United Nations. Therefore, a seminar was held for the members of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network.

International expert Andro Dadiani presented a unique monitoring tool, the effectiveness of which is currently recognized by UNICEF.

Andro Dadiani: “The monitoring tool is already used effectively in three countries of the world and everywhere the customers were exclusively the state, but in Ukraine the situation is unique – representatives of public organizations became interested in the tool.”

So, Andro Dadiani started his seminar for the public sector. After the team of the Ukrainian Network for the Rights of the Child is trained, the members of the Public Union plan to start the effective implementation of this methodology.

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