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Conference on realization of the right of a child to grow up in a family environment

November 18, 2014, All-Ukrainian Charity “Child Well-being Fund Ukraine” in partnership with the International Charitable Organisation “Charitable Foundation “SOS Children Village” held a conference on “Realization of the right of a child to grow up in a family environment in the context of the reform of the state care system”.

The conference covered the Polish experience in reforming state care institutions, represented Luhansk practice on reintegration of orphans and children deprived of parental care in conditions for boarding schools reformation, and also represented results of the opportunities analysis for boarding schools reformation in Mykolaiv region.

Participants also had the opportunity to take part in workshops on:

  • Legislative support of innovative forms of childcare: do we need standards for upbringing process?
  • Planning and testing process of deinstitutionalisation at regional and local levels.
  • The mechanism of reintegration of children from orphanages into biological families: advices for organization and psychological support.
  • The effects of trauma. Working with children of displaced persons, separated with their parents as a result of armed conflict.

The event was organized within the framework of Ukrainian-Polish project “Support of leaders of state institutional child care reform in Ukraine (Mykolaiv region)”, implemented during 2013-2014 years in cooperation with “Our House” (Poland) with financial support of Polish Projec on Cooperation and Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

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