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Meeting of UCRN members: 10 years in defense of children’s rights

A two-day meeting of representatives of member organizations of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network took place in Kyiv. The event was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Network.

“I confess that for the first two years I did not believe that anything would come of our work. But we did not stop, and now we are celebrating the first decade,” said Daria Kasyanova, Head of the Board of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network and Program Director of the SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine Charitable Foundation, at the opening ceremony.

On the first day of the meeting, the participants presented their organizations, played a “social Elias” game, and made a collage with images of the YHRM today and in the future.

“This meeting is an opportunity to thank everyone who defends children’s rights with us. To our partners and donors, the Secretariat, colleagues who went to defend our country and continued their careers in other organizations or government agencies. And also to hug each other and make sure once again that we are united by much more than we are divided,” said Daria.

During the second day, they took part in a short strategic session to recall their motivation, the Network’s achievements and choose the focus of their work in the future. At the end of the program, human resources expert Maria Chumak spoke about managing teams, networks and coalitions in war.

We remind you that in 2014 it was announced that the Ukrainian Child Rights Network was created. Now the Network unites 33 civic and charitable organizations, and URMC is a member of the European network Eurochild, which brings together more than 200 organizations and specialists in the field of child rights protection.

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