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Public statement of UMDPL: violence against children in Velykolyubinsk educational and rehabilitation center is unacceptable

The Ukrainian Child Rights Network, which unites 33 national and international organizations working to protect children’s rights, expresses its categorical condemnation of any manifestations of violence against children.

The recent case of violence that occurred at the Velykolyubinsk Training and Rehabilitation Center in Lviv region is particularly outrageous. The video evidence of this incident, published today by Ukrainska Pravda , is shocking in its cruelty and violation of children’s rights.

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Violence against children is a grave crime that grossly violates the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by Ukraine on September 27, 1991. In particular, Article 19 of the Convention provides for the obligation of the state to take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect children from all forms of physical or psychological violence, abuse or exploitation.

This case is also a violation of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Childhood”, which guarantees every child protection from violence and abuse.

We, as an organization working to protect the rights of children in Ukraine, demand:

  • An immediate and thorough investigation into this case that meets the highest standards of child protection.
  • Immediate relocation of the children from the Velykolyubinsk educational and rehabilitation center to a safe environment that ensures their physical and emotional safety.
  • Fair punishment of those responsible for this crime in accordance with Ukrainian law and international standards.

The Ukrainian state must provide all necessary conditions to protect children from all forms of violence. We call on all responsible authorities to take immediate and decisive action to prevent such cases from happening again in the future.

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