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Socio-cultural project “Opening Doors for Children”- the art against institutions

The event took place on 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Kiev center of contemporary art M17 on November, 20.

The audience was presented with work of 8 modern Ukrainian artists Alexander Glyadelov, George Kruchak, Alexander Kurmaz, Alina Pivnenko, Catherine Buchatska, Anton Logov, Alexandra Zhumaylovoyi and GAZ group.

The event caused a sincere interest, thanks to the wide support of the media. It was visited not only those people, who directly involved in charitable or volunteer activities, but also musicians, artists, filmmakers, journalists, representatives of foreign embassies and missions – quite different people, who care about the fate of children, who  closed in institutions.

At the presentation of the project speeches were made by representatives of charities, who joined together in the civil campaign ‘Opening Doors for Children’ and visitors, who came to the presentation of the initiative.

Halyna Postolyuk, director of the “Hope and Homes for Children” in Ukraine: “We understand that delivering our ideas requires different means and ways to communicate with a wide audience. Often we use rational arguments, but currently project is rather about a sense of emotion, casual and unobtrusive way to show the problem through art and to focus on the fact that there is a solution – the children should live in a familiar and natural environment”.

Socio-cultural project “Opening Doors for Children” is an attempt by means of arts to draw public attention to the problem of upbringing of children in institutions. We have to understand the need for radical change, to ensure equal rights for all children, and give them the opportunity to grow in an environment of love and care.

The project organized by the “Hope and Homes for Children” in Ukraine with support of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.

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