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The campaign “One of Five” will be implemented in Ukraine by the Child Well-being Fund Ukraine

All-Ukrainian Charity «Child Well-being Fund Ukraine» now represents in Ukraine a European information campaign on prevention of child sexual abuse. Council of Europe campaign ONE in FIVE has two main objectives: the signing, ratification and implementation of the Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (the Lanzarote Convention) and to raise the awareness of children, their parents (guardians), society about the problem of child sexual abuse and ways to prevent it. Council of Europe campaign will run until November 2015.

Ukraine has ratified the Lanzarote Convention on August 27, 2012, which entered into force on December 1, 2012. Objectives of this Convention are:

  • prevention of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children and the fight against these phenomena;
  • protection of children who are victims of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse;
  • promote national and international cooperation in the fight against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children.

All-Ukrainian Charity «Child Well-being Fund Ukraine» starts the campaign “One of the five” in Ukraine within the project “Prevention of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children in Central and Eastern Europe” in partnership with the Nobody’s Children Foundation, Poland, the financial Support OAK Foundation (Switzerland).

During the campaign in June – November 2015 the Fund planned a series of training courses for specialists of social sphere on prevention of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children, exchange of best practices on the implementation of prevention programs in schools and kindergartens, development and adaptation of information resources for professionals parents and children.

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