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UCRN calls the Ministry of Social Policy to follow the best practices in the field of child rights

The Ukrainian Child Rights Network addressed to the Minister of Social Policy Pavlo Rozenko with a request to meet with representatives of the Network.

Recently were announced a lot of different assumptions about reforming the system of social services, the structure of the Ministry of Social Policy, etc. Some of them are disturbing and questionable for direct contradiction to international and European standards and practices.

Most NGOs working for over ten years to improve the lives of children in need of government protection, believe that the legislative changes adopted to ensure the child rights and family support in recent years were “unsystematic, chaotic and fragmentary”, and current propositions of the Ministry also contradict international practices and standards.

That’s why representatives of the Network appealed to the Minister to hold a meeting, where will be announced plans of the Ministry and NGOs will be given an opportunity to express their views and suggestions on the structure of the control system for child rights ensuring, child protection and family support, beforehand of the decision making process.

Full text of statement is available at this link (ukr).

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