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We announce a tender for the manufacture of branded materials for the project

Public Association “Ukrainian Child Rights Network” (UCRN), 40211870, announces a tender for the purchase of works for the manufacture of branded materials (including layout design) for the project *.

The project “Jointly. Social Services for Families in the Community” is implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and a Consortium of partner organizations with the financial support of the German government and the German Development Bank (KfW).

The Consortium, led by the Ukrainian Child Rights Network, includes the following non-governmental organizations: Mariupol Youth Union, Hope and Homes for Children, Partnership for Every Child, SOS Children’s Villages and Social Synergy.

Requirements for the service:

Production of branded materials with provision:

  • compliance with the rules of use and placement of logos of all organizations, and the logo of the Project
  • compliance with the rules of use of corporate colors of each organization
  • compliance with the mandatory quality and safety requirements provided for goods of this kind by the current legislation of Ukraine.
  • compliance with the specification / description of materials.

List and quantity of branded materials that will need to be produced:

Folders – about 3000 pieces.

Pens – about 4070 pcs.

Notebooks – about 4050 pcs.

Banners – 21 pcs.

Diaries – 1300 pcs.

USB flash drives – 700 pcs.

Wall calendars – 700 pcs.

Cotton bags – 1300 pcs.

Plates with a logo – 3 pieces.

The following are invited to participate in the tender:

  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities, organizations.

Terms of delivery:

  1. Delivery is carried out by forces and means of the Supplier
  2. It is necessary that the supplier has developed a “signal copy”, which will be compared with the quality of the batch of manufactured materials
  3. Each layout in the applied form must be agreed with the Customer and meet the specifications.
  4. Each consignment of goods must have the appropriate accompanying documents and quality certificates

Delivery date: no later than September 20, 2019

Place of delivery: delivery will need to be arranged at 6 addresses:

  • Kyiv (3 addresses)
  • Kiev region
  • Severodonetsk
  • Mariupol

The composition of the tender offer:

  1. The tender offer should be submitted in the form of a technical and price offer
  2. The list of documents that Applicants must provide to the tender offer:
  • Properly signed Tender form in the form of a table (Date, name and position, company name, address, telephone, email, validity of the application (minimum 30 days), signature and seal);
  • A copy of the Certificate of state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneurs or Extracts from the unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • Copy of the VAT payer’s Certificate (subject to registration as a VAT payer);
  • Copy of the Certificate of payment of the single tax;
  • Extracts from the registers of VAT payers and / or single tax payers;
  • Any other documents that may be useful for the evaluation of the proposal (letters of recommendation, etc.);
  • Financial statements for the last two years of the company’s activity.

Rules of registration of the tender offer by participants:

  1. In order to participate in the tender, to receive specifications and detailed information, as well as to submit your proposals, please write to us at the e-mail address:, copying
  2. The tender proposal must be accompanied by documents (scanned copies) certifying the right of such authorized person to sign the tender proposal (order appointing a manager or power of attorney, except for sole proprietorships).
  3. Copies of documents provided must be legible and of good quality.
  4. The bidder is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in its tender offer.
  5. To participate in the evaluation of tender proposals by the tender committee are allowed tender proposals that fully comply with the terms of the Announcement. Applications sent to another address or in a form other than that provided for in this Invitation to Tender, or in which the proper level of confidentiality is not observed, or received after the specified date and time, will be rejected.
  6. All prices are indicated in hryvnias, including all taxes (gross price).
  7. Any requests for additional information regarding this Tender should be sent to by copying

Commercial offers please provide:

– until 12.00 August 30, 2019.

The bids will be opened and the winners of the tender will be determined:

– at 15.00 August 30, 2019

Methods of selecting the winner of the tender.

Initially, among the submitted tender proposals, the Tender Committee selects proposals that meet the technical, qualification and other requirements for the subject of procurement and supplier, which are contained in this Announcement. From the selected tenders, the tender committee selects the tender offer with the lowest price, and the bidder who submitted such tender offer is declared the winner of the tender.

The winner of this procurement procedure will be determined within 5 (five) calendar days following the last day of acceptance of tender proposals with the possibility of extending this period if necessary to clarify in writing the information contained in the tender proposals, not more than 2 calendar days. The results of the procurement procedure will be communicated to all bidders no later than 5 calendar days from the date of the decision to determine the winner by sending appropriate notices to all bidders by e-mail.

* Legal name of the project “Social infrastructure for internally displaced families”

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