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Webinar “Child with disabilities and / or developmental disorders in the system of alternative care”

Public Association “Ukrainian Child Rights Network” on November 1, 2019 plans to hold a thematic block of 2 online webinars on “Child with disabilities and / or developmental disorders in the system of alternative care” for representatives of children’s services, institutions of care for children, shelters, small group homes, social support centers for families and children, foster parents, guardians, trustees, adoptive parents, representatives of non-governmental organizations working in the field of child protection, psychologists, teachers and others.

Onufryk Marianna, an expert on social services for children and people with disabilities and Chairman of the Board of the Social Synergy NGO, was invited to conduct the webinars.

Webinars are held within the project “Strengthening the capacity of NGOs to monitor the rights of the child in Ukraine – Phase II”, implemented by the “Ukrainian Child Rights Network” with the support of the UN Children’s Fund “UNICEF” Ukraine.

The first block of the webinar will be broadcasted on November 1 at 9:30 up to 11:00. Registration at this link:

Questions for consideration:

  1. The concept of disability and related conditions.
  2. Biopsychosocial model of disability.
  3. An approach based on the rights and needs of a child with a disability.

The second block of the webinar will be broadcasted on November 1 from 11:00 up to 13:00. Registration at this link:

Questions for consideration:

  1. Educational services for a child with special educational needs.
  2. Social services for a child with a disability.
  3. Other services, benefits, payments, etc. for a child with a disability according to his/her needs.

Registration for the First and Second Blocks of the Webinar is required.

Webinars are free. During the webinar, the lecturer will be able to ask questions and get answers through chat.


The recording of the webinar is available in the “Multimedia” section at the link:

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