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Work on the Alternative Report on Compliance with the UN Convention on the Child Rights has BEGUN!

Today, September 13, 2018, the Public Association “Ukrainian Child Rights Network” signed a Memorandum with the coalition of NGOs “Children’s Rights in Ukraine” on cooperation in writing an Alternative Report on compliance with the UN Convention on the Child Rights in Ukraine.

We note that the state report must be officially published by September 26 this year. After that, NGOs will process it and provide their own analysis.

A working group has already been set up, which includes more than twenty experienced specialists in the field of protection of children’s rights from different regions of Ukraine. The experts will work for two days and during this time will try to build a structure, directions and algorithm of activity and determine those responsible. At the final stage, seven leading experts will work directly on the analysis: 4 – from the Network and 3 – from the Coalition.

Based on the results of the work on the Alternative Report, public discussions will be held in January 2019, and the final version of the non-governmental organizations is planned to be published in February 2019.


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