Kharkiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Social Service of Assistance”
Kharkiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Social Service of Assistance” (KRCF “Social Service of Assistance”) Kharkiv Regional Charitable Fund “Social Service of Assistance”. KRCF “Social Service of Assistance”.
Objective — the Foundation’s mission is to provide professional social services and charitable assistance to socially vulnerable groups of the population of the city. Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
Mission — charitable activities for the population in need of social protection and assistance in the city. Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
Vision — Kharkiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Social Service of Assistance”: professional social services and social support are available to residents of our region, regardless of their status.
Region of operation: Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
The Kharkiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Social Aid Service” was founded in 1996 and is a non-profit organization. Three areas of charity work were chosen: children, the elderly, and internally displaced persons from the ATO zone. Today, the Foundation is one of the leaders in the market of social services for the local community of Kharkiv and the region: it is part of the city’s social network. Today, all the projects implemented by the foundation are aimed at improving the quality of life of socially vulnerable groups. First of all, the organization tries to cover all categories and risk groups of children and adolescents who are affected by the street and who are not paid enough attention and cared for by adults.
Ongoing projects for children:
– The Otradne Center for Children and Families was founded in 1996. The purpose of the institution is to create conditions for harmonious creative and comprehensive development of the child’s personality, popularize family values, strengthen the family institution, prevent social orphanhood, adapt families of IDPs and ATO participants to new conditions, acquire new social ties and opportunities for integration into society. Almost 500 children and more than 200 parents attend the Center’s 18 clubs and sections free of charge.
– The project “Social Services for Families with Children”. Helping to reduce the level of social orphanhood by empowering parents and improving parenting skills in families in difficult life circumstances. All project activities are aimed at changing the psychological climate in families, as well as positive trends in the material situation, healthy lifestyles, attentive attitudes towards children; parents’ achievement of a sustainable level of self-sufficiency and ability to live, independence in solving their family problems.
– Otradne Children’s Village consists of 5 family-type orphanages. It was established in 2010 on the basis of the first non-governmental boarding school for orphans in Kharkiv. Transfer of cottage premises for free use to family-type orphanages to create conditions as close to family-like as possible for orphans and children deprived of parental care, and coordination of their activities. The children form the right family model, where they observe the relationship between their parents, learn to prevent and resolve conflicts, and adapt to the conditions of living in foster families.
– The DARE program is a program to help children achieve their educational and personal goals in life, enabling children and young people to improve their learning goals, become owners of their learning processes and active citizens.
– International Charity Ball “When Dreams Come True”. It has been held in Kharkiv since 2011 on the initiative of the Social Service of Ukraine.
Grant projects
– The project “Group rehabilitation therapy meetings for families with children affected by Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine during 2022” (supported by the Ukrainian Rapid Response Fund program implemented by IREX with the support of the US Department of State).
– Emergency aid project for Kharkiv residents with the support of Partnerschaftsverein Charkiw-Nürnberg (with the support of the sister city of Nuremberg and its residents, effective from March 3, 2022). During this time, our brave volunteers and desperate employees delivered more than 30,000 food packages, personal care products and household chemicals to Kharkiv residents.
– The project “Support for social projects to help socially vulnerable groups of the population of Kharkiv for the stable operation of the humanitarian direction of the Kharkiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Social Aid Service” during active hostilities. This project was created thanks to a grant from the Support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Ukraine Program, funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Department for International Development. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The program is implemented by Crown Agents Crown Agents in partnership with International Alert International Alert , Optima Group and in cooperation with Crown Agents in Ukraine Crown Agents in Ukraine
Thanks to the funds received under this project, the foundation is able to maintain its own operations to ensure the smooth implementation of the humanitarian program and support Kharkiv residents with food, hygiene products, etc.
– Medical and social work with lonely elderly people deprived of the attention of their relatives, where nearly 60 elderly people currently receive social, medical, and household assistance. It has been operating since 1999.
– Since 2011, the foundation has been implementing a palliative care project;
– In 2001, the Second Youth Active Longevity Club was established, bringing together 50 elderly people with an active lifestyle for more than 15 years;
– strengthening social ties between people who suffered from Nazism. The project involves social support and active involvement in public life of victims of National Socialism, including former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, Ostarbeiters, and members of the partisan movement.
– Project of legal, social and psychological assistance to internally displaced persons from the ATO zone in Kharkiv region.