Partnership “For Every Child”

ICO “Partnership “For Every Child” is an international charitable organization that has been reforming the system of ensuring children’s rights and developing social services for vulnerable families and children in Ukraine since 1998. The organization professionally helps families, communities, the state to ensure the right of every child to live and be raised in a favorable family environment.

Partnership uses innovative social technologies and services to help families and children, develop social services, increase the competence of professionals working for children and promote social policies in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Therefore, in its activities the organization:

  • Makes every effort to ensure that every child can exercise their right to a family, and that the number of children in boarding schools becomes smaller and smaller.
  • Helps moms and dads overcome difficulties to enable children to live and be raised in families
  • Encourages young people to actively participate in community life
  • Increases the professionalism of specialists working in the interests of children and youth.

Current projects implemented by the organization:

  • Project “Development and implementation of a regional plan to increase the provision of family-based care services (reform of institutional care and upbringing of children in Ternopil region)”.
  • The project “Jointly. Social services for families in the community ”, in which the organization works in three communities – Bakhmut, Troitska and Bilokurakinska hromadas.
  • Successful Community: Step by Step Initiative
  • DARE, full title: Dream Achieve Realize Express – Promote the resilience and self-realization of children, and the ability of adults to protect them

And the partners in the implementation of projects are central and regional executive bodies, local governments, research institutions, higher education institutions, international and local non-governmental organizations.

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