Social Synergy

Public organization “Social Synergy” began its activities in 2018. The main focus of the NGO is on advocacy and realization of rights, as well as on providing services to people with disabilities.

The purpose of the organization is to advocate for rights and freedoms and assist in meeting public interests, as well as social, educational, medical and other needs of citizens of Ukraine. That every child and young person in Ukraine receives proper care and upbringing in the family or in conditions as close as possible to family, and services – in the community.

As of today, the PO “Social Synergy” is implementing 3 projects:

“The International classifier for Inclusive Education” is the creation of an online learning simulator based on the International Classification of Functioning, which will help primary school teachers to create a supportive inclusive environment for the whole class, taking into account the needs of each child.

“Jointly. Social services for families in the community” – setting up a stable system of social services for families with children, which will find risks and respond to them in a timely manner, as well as provide communities with the necessary infrastructure to provide services and thus bring them closer to recipients. The NGO works in Soledar and Siversk hromadas of Donetsk region.

“First of all, I am a human” aimed at promoting international standards for naming people with disabilities in Ukraine. This step is important for eradicating social stereotypes and discriminating against people with disabilities and /developmental disabilities.

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Soledar and Siversk hromadas of Donetsk region, and the US Embassy in Ukraine are helping to implement the projects.

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