Rinat Akhmetov Foundation
Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Previously, the organization was called Development of Ukraine. In 2014, the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center was established to help Donbass residents affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war. In February 2022, with the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation launched a large-scale assistance with food packages, hygiene kits for the affected population of Ukraine and medicines for hospitals.
Mission of the organization: To help people in Ukraine and create opportunities to become better and live better.
Values of the organization: Honesty, leadership, openness to new things, respect, creation of social good.
Current charitable programs and projects of the organization:
The Rinat Akhmetov for Children charity program, which includes the following projects: “Now I Hear”, “Rehabilitation of Wounded Children”, “Peaceful Recreation for Children of Ukraine”, “Adoption and Development of Family Forms of Education”, the motivational project “Your Superpower”, and the largest project “New Year’s Action”. The program systematically provides comprehensive assistance to children: medicines, food packages, and innovative implants;
psychological and physical rehabilitation, complex surgeries; the opportunity to develop and realize their dreams. Since 2007, the Foundation has been working systematically to prevent orphanhood in Ukraine. Thanks to the Rinat Akhmetov for Children. No to Orphanhood!” program and the portal of the same name, more than 10,000 children from orphanages have found new families.
The Rinat Akhmetov Saving Lives charity program, which includes the following projects: “Fighting COVID-19 in Ukraine, 200 Ambulances for Ukraine, Mobile Women’s Health Clinic, Targeted Assistance, and Dopomoga 2022. The program is aimed at improving the quality of medical care in Ukraine and providing comprehensive support with food packages and essential goods to the population.
The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation’s charity program “Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – Help”, which includes the Voices of the Civilians Museum project, the world’s largest collection of stories of civilians affected by Russia’s war against Ukraine. Since the beginning of the armed conflict In Donbass, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has saved the lives of millions of people on both sides of the contact line. These are millions of lives! Everyone’s life deserves a separate story.
The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation began collecting stories of survival of Donbass civilians in the armed conflict and continued to collect stories of civilians after the start of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine.
The goal of this project is not only to document everything that our people had to go through, but also to tell the world about the fates of people who were radically changed by the war.
Online projects of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation aimed at providing comprehensive assistance and support to the Ukrainian population in difficult times. Among them: Telegram channel for teenagers and their parents “Your Superpower”, Telegram channel “Be Safe! IDPs”, the educational career guidance series “Your Super Profession”, the series “Digital Physical Education for Schoolchildren with the participation of stars Sports”, Series “COVID-19: what you need to know about the operation of artificial lung ventilation devices”, Series: “Quarantine: Online Services for Teachers”, Anastasia Chaly’s video blog “Communication without Barriers”, Natalia Ivko’s video blog “Foster Mom’s Blog”, Maksym Sikora’s video blog “Ask Dad”, Webinars by leading experts in the field of psychology.
Links to the organization’s social media pages:
– website of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation: https://akhmetovfoundation.org/
– Website of the Voices of the Peaceful Museum: https://civilvoicesmuseum.org/
– The Foundation’s Instagram page: https://instagram.com/akhmetovfoundation?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=
– The Foundation’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AkhmetovFDU
– Foundation’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@Akhmetovfoundation