Ukrainian Civic Health Foundation
ICO “Ukrainian Civic Health Foundation” was founded by the international organization HealthRight International (Right to Health) to develop local capacity and support Ukrainian initiatives to provide vital assistance to vulnerable women, children and youth.
The organization works directly with local communities and develops partnerships at the local level to provide services in the field of public health and human rights. At the same time, UCHF and the Right to Health organize training, supply equipment and work to improve existing infrastructure to enable partners to provide the necessary services on their own.
The goal of the organization is to implement long-term changes that will contribute to the protection of public health and the protection of human rights at the same time.
The key groups with which the organization works in Ukraine are:
- women and girls in difficult life circumstances (HIV-infected, street or in conflict with the law),
- adolescents and young people in conflict with the law (on probation, in prisons or in pre-trial detention centers),
- survivors of gender-based violence (GHI) and their partners,
- survivors of torture, as well as internally displaced persons (IDPs).
In 2019, UCHF and HealthRight helped 28,357 women, men and children through a wide range of programs.
Today, organizations provide the following services:
- The Right to Health Day Center in Kyiv provides comprehensive social, psychological and legal assistance, support to medical and government agencies, testing for HIV and other chronic diseases, and the organization of mutual assistance for HIV-positive adolescents.
- Social apartment (shelter) for pregnant women and mothers with young children in difficult life circumstances in Kyiv – rehabilitation services for pregnant women and mothers with children in difficult life circumstances.
- Shelters and Day Care Centers for Victims of Gender-Based and Domestic Violence.
- Services for survivors of torture and members of their families in Kyiv and Dnipro – comprehensive legal and psychosocial support for survivors of torture (among ATO and IDP participants) and members of their families.
- Mobile brigades of social and psychological assistance – detection, screening, first aid and counseling of victims of gender-based and domestic violence in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
- Mobile brigades of social and psychological assistance for ATO / OOS veterans and members of their families.
- Prevention of HIV and recidivism among women and youth in conflict with the law – measures to prevent HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C and recidivism among vulnerable populations.
- Integration of adolescent-friendly services – with the support of UNICEF and in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the SupportME website (http://supportme.org.ua/main) was created and launched, dedicated to adolescent health issues, including mental health.
- Promoting community safety and preventing violence in public places in eastern Ukraine.
The provision of specialized services is supported by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, international donors and local governments.