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Inter-Fractional Working Group named “Child Rights Protection is a priority of the State”

Inter-Fractional Working Group, headed by Yuriy Pavlenko was created in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of VIII convocation. Inter-Fractional Working Group named “Child Rights Protection is a priority of the State” has involved 21 People’s Deputies of Ukraine regardless of factions, groups or political views around the theme of child rights protection.

The main purpose of the Group is to improve state policy for ensuring and protection of the best interests of the child in all spheres of life, to support and strengthen families with children, to protect children from all forms of discrimination.

In the first half of 2015, members of the Group are planning to consider the following issues: state of the rights of children in the ATO area and children displaced from armed conflict zone; establishment of an effective system of child protection in the process of decentralization of power in Ukraine; displaying in the state statistics of major trends in the sphere of children’s rights.

It should be mentioned that in January 2015 was created Inter-Fractional Working Group “Ensuring the Rights of the Child” headed by Oleksandr Feldman.

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