

Ukrainian Child Rights Network with the support of The Partnership for a Strong Ukraine Foundationfunded by the governments of Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the United States of America, is implementing the project “A Way to the Future” aimed at creating a comprehensive support system for the return, reunification, rehabilitation and reintegration of children and their families affected by illegal deportation.


The aim of this project is to create a comprehensive support system for the return, reunification, rehabilitation and reintegration of children and their families affected by illegal deportation.

Suggested means to achieve this goal include evidence-based advocacy, specialized rehabilitation and psychosocial services, individualized educational and social programs, and government involvement to promote successful adjustment of children.

Project objectives:

Ukraine must be prepared for the systematic return of children. And for the children who will be returned, appropriate conditions must be created so that not only government agencies, but also the territorial communities to which the children return, as well as Ukrainian society as a whole, are ready for the return process.

The project The “WAY TO THE FUTURE” project is a logical continuation of the “WAY HOME” project, which showed that thefter returning to Ukraine:

  • Children and their parents have no place to live because their homes are either on the TOT or destroyed.
  • There are children who have nowhere to return to: their relatives are either dead or in other occupied territories.
  • While the children were under occupation or in Russia, they missed a lot of classes, so they need help with their studies – tutors, admission to educational institutions, etc.
  • Children, youth and families need rehabilitation and psychological assistance.
  • Children and young people need treatment as a result of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, the key activities of the current project are as follows:

  • Conduct a study to process, analyze and systematize all the experience gained during the return of children and family reunification in order to assess the observance of the best interests of the child during illegal displacement/deportation, respect for the dignity of children in their treatment, and response to violations of children’s rights. Based on the study, to prepare a set of expert recommendations on protecting children’s rights and taking care of their best interests before, during and after return.
  • In cooperation with government agencies and other civil society organizations, develop an algorithm for communities to provide long-term support and adaptation of children, youth and their families to life in society, community and family after return.
  • Provide rehabilitation and psychosocial support services to children returned to Ukraine by the UMDP and their families.
  • To continue the information and communication campaign “It’s not scary to bring a child home” in order to: raise awareness of parents of illegally deported children about the possibility of receiving support in the search and reunification of minor family members, so that parents whose children were abducted by Russians or who are still in the occupied territories, for example, with older relatives, can be convinced that with our help they can bring their children home.
  • To advocate and provide expert advice to local, regional and/or central authorities and local self-government bodies on documents and recommendations developed with the participation of the UMDP concerning the return of children, family reunification and their support.

Project duration:

March 15 – August 15, 2024.

Territory of implementation:

All regions, the rehabilitation itself was carried out in Truskavets, Lviv region.

Completed project
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