On July 16, 2018, with the support of UNICEF Ukraine, the Ukrainian Child Rights Network launched the project “Ensuring Capacity Building and Influence of Non-Governmental Entities in Developing, Implementing and Monitoring Observance of Children's Rights in Alternative Care, Improving Protection Policies...
UMPD draws the attention of officials to the violation of the rights of children affected by the conflict in Ukraine!
Ukrainian Child Rights Network draws attention to violations of the rights of children affected by the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.
On April 5, 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at its meeting approved the Resolution "On approval of the Procedure for granting the status of a child...
Formation of strategy of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network building
July 2-4, representatives of organizations-founders of the Ukrainian Child Rights Network met to discuss strategic issues of the organization. First, there was a planning task of registering the Network as a public union.
Having summed up the Network activities for the period from February to June, the...
Studies of childhood in Ukraine in conditions of military aggression
Ukrainian Institut of Research of Extremism conducted a thorough study "Children of war: a study of childhood problems in Ukraine in terms of military aggression", which refers to the war and the problem of forming a new generation of children, internally displaced children, children in a war zone and...
The campaign “One of Five” will be implemented in Ukraine by the Child Well-being Fund Ukraine
All-Ukrainian Charity «Child Well-being Fund Ukraine» now represents in Ukraine a European information campaign on prevention of child sexual abuse. Council of Europe campaign ONE in FIVE has two main objectives: the signing, ratification and implementation of the Convention on Protection of...
Protection of children’s rights in the light of the military conflict in the Donbas
Today, Children's Day is not taken as it used to. Protecting children in Ukraine has acquired a fundamentally new meaning. Unfortunately, our children live in difficult times - times of terrible war that brings grief, breaks families, destroys destiny, breaks lives. Anyway, children suffer most from war...